Blue Ridge
Potters Guild

Welcome to BRPG.

Blue Ridge Potters Guild is a community of potters from Roanoke and surrounding areas in Virginia.

Check out our Workshop link for upcoming workshops!!

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The BRPG Pottery Show is the largest all-pottery show in Virginia and features functional and decorative works of art. This year over 80 potters will display and sell their unique and spectacular works.


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Workshops are held each year with nationally recognized potters from Virginia across the country and occasionally an international potter. Art teachers attend Guild workshops at no fee.

get workshop info

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featured artists

Learn more about many of our members who are participating in this optional benefit of membership.

get to know the Artists

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote community awareness, understanding and appreciation of ceramics. We encourage artistic and professional growth among our members through workshops and sharing ideas. We promote the craft of pottery to the public through an annual show and sale and with community outreach with member demonstrations and exhibits in public schools, community festivals and fund raising that addresses hunger issues, by annually donating hundreds of hand made bowls and scholarships.

more about becoming a member


members & counting